Saturday, June 5, 2010

Making A Family Home - Shannon Honeybloom

Making A Family Home is a guidebook to creating an inspirational home, one that brings warmth and comfort to its inhabitants and guests. The book focuses on each specific area of a home, such as the kitchen, bathroom, fireplace, bedroom, etc., and the characteristics of that place. These characteristics define how the room should be decorated in order to maximize its effectiveness. Honeybloom places special emphasis on children and the kind of environment they need to foster healthy development. She not only considers sight, but texture, smell, and harmony when advising her readers.

Although I was not expecting this book to be particularly riveting, I was pleasantly surprised. As a high schooler, I do not have a family, so I didn't think this book was going to be important to me. I was proved wrong as soon as I started reading. Honeybloom doesn't just talk about the elements of a house, but the effect of these elements on her family, something that I had never really considered before. The best way to describe this book would be a parenting book for the homemaker. I also loved the photographs, and my compliments to Skip Hunt, the photographer. I would definately recommend this book to anyone who has kids, or wants to learn about the way our environment affects our well-being.

"Creating a home is a process of imbuing our space with soul and spirit, surrounding our family with love, care, comfort." - Shannon Honeybloom, Making A Family Home

Note: This book was sent to me by the author for review through the third party Bostick Communications.

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