Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte

I realize this is a classic, and so has been reviewed for many years, but I just finished reading it, so I thought I'd post a review in case anyone wanted to know my thoughts.

The story starts out with Mr. Lockwood, the tenant at Thrushcross Grange asking Nelly Dean about the inhabitants of Wuthering Heights, Heathcliffe, Cathy, and Hareton. Nelly proceeds to tell him the story: as a young girl she worked for Mr. Earnshaw, the owner of Wuthering Heights. He had two children, Catherine and Hindley, but one day he brought home another child, Heathcliffe, that he had discovered abandoned in the countryside. Soon Catherine and Heathcliffe become playmates, and as time goes on, inseparable companions. The rest of the story tells of Catherine and Heathcliffe's romance and the obstacles they must overcome to be together.

Though the beginning of the book was rather dry, I did begin to enjoy it about a third of the way through. My only complaints are that it was sometimes hard to keep all the characters straight and deciphering Joseph's (the servant) dialect was rather difficult. Other than that, the book kept my interest, especially with the new dynamic that each character brought to the story. I don't want to give away the ending, but I did love the conclusion of the story, especially the dynamic that builds between the two main characters (not Heathcliffe and Catherine, but a new set of characters that I don't want to spoil for you). Oh and Nelly Dean was the perfect narrator, I couldn't help but trust her judgement.

All in all, Wuthering Heights was one of the easier pieces of British literature to read. And for those of you who haven't read Bronte, I would definitely recommend reading this book. Enjoy!


  1. I need to re-read Wuthering Heights...actually, I will be re-reading it for AP English, so it's a good thing I want to. :) It's certainly my favorite by either of the Brontes.

  2. What other Bronte books have you read? I'm trying to decide which one to read next.

  3. Hey Ayushi!

    I found your blog through facebook, and like, Zara, I have to read Wuthering Heights for AP English this summer. Your review gives me hope that I can actually get through it and like it!

    Sarah Moran
